There seems to alot of people out there that are Cursed.... or so they think. There are those whom have been cursed by a well-versed person of the Black Arts or by someone who was just dabbling with Black Magic anxious to destroy their enemies... and then there are those who just simply think they are cursed because bad things happen in their life. Therefore, you see there are actually two types of cursed people. Let's take a look in depth....
Black magic curse
1. There are those who have had an actual curse placed on them by a person that hates them.
For any person whose vibrations are not of a high nature... the curse will embed itself deeply into the person’s life, thus attracting foul spirits and causing chaos, negativity, depression, sickness, and sometimes death.
If the person being cursed knows that someone has placed a curse on him or her... then this empowers the curse even more in their life. The mind is a very powerful thing and if we believe something, it will manifest. So therefore if we believe that we are cursed and our vibrations are not of the Highest nature.... the curse will take its toll.
Even if a person does not believe in curses, it will still take a toll on their life if their vibrations are not high. When I refer to vibrations, to put it simply, everyone has a vibrational rate.
Those who are highly Spiritual and work with their Inner Soul and only work with the Light will have a high vibrational rate. This also means that curses and hexes will not affect them if someone were to try to Curse them. Then there is your normal everyday person who is not a bad person, but they are not Highly Spiritual. Just because you believe in God does not make you a Spiritual person. So for the normal person out there in everyday life, a curse can be devastating to their well-being.
2. Then there are those out there who have "not" had a curse placed on them by an evil or misguided person.
These people simply think they are cursed. They think this because bad things are happening in their lives. On the other hand, a friend may have told them that they must be Cursed if all this bad stuff is happening. Therefore, even though there was never any curse placed on them, they believe there is a curse. Therefore, their mind goes into overtime and actually creates a curse of their own making. It is the Law of Attraction..... if you think and believe that you have been Cursed and that bad things are happening.... then you will attract more of this same shit to you. "A man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of all his thoughts". So as you can see your mind can trick your body into making the Curse manifest into your life and become real. Just because bad things happen in your life does not mean you are Cursed.
These are the End Times right now and the World is in Chaos to say the least. People are losing their Jobs, their houses and everything they own. Nevertheless, this does not mean they are Cursed. However, as I stated a few lines ago... if they think they are Cursed then they will turn it into reality.
Therefore, they will still need to have their Cursed removed because they have created it themselves. I will tell you this... 90% of people I have dealt with that think they are curse, are only victims of their own thought process. Yet even when I have confirmed this and told them... they still could not accept the truth and continued to believe they were cursed. So if you are one of these people who would feel better by going through the ritual of removing your so-called curse or if you truly are cursed... Then I have plenty of curse removing and reversing spells for you right here. . Reversal Spell. This is to be used to reverse a spell cast upon a person, and return the spell upon the one who cast it.
WARNING: Depending on the strength of the cast spell, this could cause great harm to the original spell-caster. This should only be used in dire need. Collect the hair, nail clippings or anything of the person upon whom the spell was cast. If you feel that a sorcerer or sorceress has placed a magical curse upon you, your home, or your family, consult a qualified Master to help you to remove the spell.