For All Amulet Wearers.
1. What to do before wearing the amulets?
• Wash your hands before taking the amulets to wear
• Make your mind calm and focus all your faith to the Buddha
• Put your amulets onto your palm and press both hands together
• Then chant 3 times of this initial Mantra slowly:
Guidelines for thai amulet wearner
Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Samma Sam Buddhassa
The translation of its meaning is as:
I pay homage to the Blessed One.
The one who is free from defilements.
The One Perfectly Enlightened by himself.
The chanting verse means we are now paying respect to the Lord Buddha who has done the great goodness.
Then request with your own language for his help.
I, your name, invite the Lord Buddha and Guru Monks to bless me and protect me from harm, danger and bring me luck and fulfill me with my wishes. One should encourage practising this: Invite the Lord Buddha, Guru Monks and his blessings to be with you before wearing your amulets.
Hold your amulets in your palm in the Praying position. Start by reciting
Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Samma Sam Buddhassa (x 3),
Then recite the following:
Puttang Arathananang, Dhammang Arathananang, Sangkang Arathananang (x 1)
Puttang Prasittimay, Dhammang Prasittimay, Sangkang Prasittimay (x 1)
The meanings of this Mantra is: May Lord Buddha, Dhamma and Sangkha or Triple Gems bless my entire request successful.
And then wear the chain of amulets onto your neck.
2. Any restriction when wearing the amulet?
Yes, there are some restrictions as the following:
• Don't bring amulets with you when you go to an improper place such as brothel.
• Don't wear amulets when making love.
3. What to do if we want to take the hanging amulets off our neck?
Before taking off the amulets from your neck, make sure you have washed you hands.
Then take off the amulet out of your neck, place the amulets in your palm, and hold both hands together.
Trust the amulet of Lord Buddha and Guru Monks with all your heart; Say it from your heart.
Thanks to Lord Buddha and Guru Monks that keep you safe and protected.
Then put them on a clean and higher place or better to place them on an altar
4. Where is the place to put my amulet?
Do not put the amulet on the top of your bed, unless there is no sexual activity.
If you want to keep them in your bedroom, please put them on a higher shelf or drawer.
Do not leave your amulets on an improper place like on the floor, inside your pants pocket, or hang it lower than your waist.
5. Do we need to re-bless our amulet? Does an amulet lose its power after some time? Will re-blessing it will make it more powerful? Do we have to bring it back to the temple to let the monks chant to recharge its power after some time?
The answer is Yes!
Usually we saw people taking off their amulets and let the monks chant and bless when they go to the Thai temple on their holiday such as Vesak or Kathina day or they just visit the temple to pay respects to the monks. It is okay to let them chant a prayer of blessing over the amulets. A blessing on the amulets will recharge the amulet power. The blessing is usually a recharge blessing for all amulets. Only Monk or Ajahn who create amulets will know the special way to perform a blessing on the amulets that you are wearing.
6. Is it possible to wear several amulets at the same time?
Yes you can wear as many as you feel comfortable. There is no restrictions and you can wear amulets in even numbers too.
7. Can I put the amulet in my trouser pockets?
Here are a few general answers, different types of amulets had different purposes in protecting the wearer, and have to be worn differently. Do not put amulets below waistline.
8. Can I wear amulet while going to the bathroom?
It often heard that if you are wearing a Thai amulet, you cannot go into bathroom? Many peoples felt that bathroom is an unclean or dirty place for the amulets as one used for urination. There are some peoples who remove their amulets before using the bathroom. As a matter of fact, going to the bathroom is a nature and does not say that is an unclean or dirty place. When our Lord Buddha was preaching during his lifetime, he had to use the bathroom everyday. Beside of this, which monk does not use the bathroom now a day? If you wear the amulet with confident and without any doubt, you does not have to worry about wearing the amulets to the bathroom.
9. Can a lady wear Phra Khun Paen or other amulets?
There is no prejudice by the holy monks and master’s when they are making and consecrating the amulets. For Khun Paen amulet, legend has it that Khun Paen is a valiant and charming Thai warrior who stole the hearts of many ladies during that time. In a long time past, masters create amulets with the image of Khun Paen on it and hope that it will imbue the wearer with courage and valor in the battlefield which the amulets provide. Naturally, ladies will be so impress by the heroic deeds and will flock to them. This is how it gets started. After some time, some of the masters make and consecrate the Khun Paen amulets with the intention of making it an amulet for good metta charm. (Loving-kindness). Ladies can wear other amulets too. There is no prejudice or restrictions. Likewise the gentlemen, ladies can wear as many amulets as possible.
10. Can a lady wear amulet when her period comes?
Yes, she can wear it, just treat it with due respect. Before wearing the chain or hold the amulets always wash your hand when you are wearing or taking off of it. You need to clean your hands after you engaged with your sanitary napkins, or if you feel it is uncomfortable wearing the amulet with you during the period, you may keep them in your handbag or purse and it will still give you the same protection. If you have full faith and trust on your amulets, you will be blessed.
11. Is an expensive amulet better than a cheaper one?
No! It’s not true, a lot of cheap amulets do work very well. The price doesn't matter, the power in the amulet does not base on the price. It depend on the creator, if the amulet is created by the great guru monk who has spiritual knowledge skills, he would invite the deities and Buddha’s, and perform the blessing ritual with chanting during the ceremonies. Making the amulets Holy and Potent. In the olden days, amulets were created to devotees as a gift in exchange for their helps and supports on their temple developments and maintenance. As today, amulets have became more than a gift and had turned into a ' Buy and Sell ' products. If you would like to collect the newly-made amulets, you should know some of these questions: who create it, and from which temple, and what are the purpose for creating the amulet, and who are invited to perform the blessing ritual ceremony, etc.
12. May I visit the Maternity Ward or Mortuary when wearing amulet?
In a long time past, the prohibition in visiting the Maternity Ward when one wearing the amulet was came from Chinese Taoism. At that time wearing Thai amulet was not popular in the country. When there is patient, they usually visit the temple for incantation remedy. According to the Chinese Taoist culture, all spiritual incantations are restricted from entering the Maternity Ward, because the place is full of blood during labour, which considered not favorable, and for visiting the Mortuary as it was believed that this place is for the death by misfortune and the dead to the end of life to which also considered not favorable. For the Chinese Taoist culture one who carries the spiritual incantation might endanger with mishaps and therefore devotees would rather avoid such places. When devotees wearing such amulets they are all with the hope of getting peace and avoid from evil forces. If they are prohibited from going anywhere, what would be the point of wearing them? Especially in the Hospitals Maternity Ward and Mortuary where there are countless number of spirits. Devotees have high chances of afflicting with the spirits and suffer misfortune. So wearing the sacred amulet is to seek protection under such circumstances. If the devotees maintain faithful and beliefs, the spiritual effect of the amulet will be with them always.
13. May I consume star fruits when wearing amulet?
Over centuries, Cambodians have endured of procedures to obtain hand mystical tattoos to devotees believed to give them magical powers, but the tradition appears to be fading in this increasing in today’s modern society. In the past magic tattoos are believed to bring good luck or popularity but are mostly used by soldiers seeking to become invisible to enemies or repel bullets. A part of some people believed that Star Fruit is the heart of the Buddha and cannot be consumed incase of any offending to the Buddha. This is not true, it is said that people who tattoo magical image on their body must refrain from eating Star Fruit, purple potatoes and gourds to ensure the magic spells work. So many devotees in Thailand do not take Star Fruit because of the tattoo on their body. This has been passed down by the great master to avoid losing of their magical powers from consuming Star Fruit & etc. Common peoples do not have to refrain from these fruits. Have faith in Gautama Buddha's philosophies. Follow his teachings and paths, you will be on a right path to receive good merits and experience the sensations; Happiness and Fruitful Enlightenment in Life.