All along in Thailand, monks used to make amulets for devotees to protect them and also using the funds to build or repair temples as well as maintaining the temple. There were stories of how amulets save the owners or make these people successful. Amulets created by famous people always being snatched up due to their popularity.
The wicca works because of the monk's cultivation in compassion thus when it come to protection that're why mainstream are always mainly for protections.
Why do Barangs base amulet backfire?
Sadly the desires of mankind grew from something needed to something wanted. It has came to many people's attentions that’s why more and more people are getting barang amulets. So what is really barang amulet? ( Google barang amulet to see the wide variety range ) It will be very unfair to select a few to upload here.
As long the amulet consist:
- Cemetery soil
- Chipped bone
- Nmp oil / corpse oil
- remain part of any body ( Slice of heart, hair etc )
Normally it is either the dealer or maker responsibility to say out how many spirits entity and what kind of spirits dwell inside this amulet.
People with six senses will be able to sense it when they touch the amulet. The ability to detect the power of the spirit is also another thing but common layman people will rent from reputable masters or dealers in order to avoid cheated. Many claims by the so-called masters or dealers don't really understand the history of barangs or amulets. What’re the reasons of it's existence or the purposes of having them. Are they for the sake of collection purposes, to showoff purposes, to hurt others with their assistance and other wrongdoings.
Pros of a barang amulet is always known to bring out it`s effect faster than mainstream amulet. However in chinese, there is this saying of faster come faster go. Meaning to say, whatever the owner of the amulet get what they wish will come and go away fast. Regardless of what the owner wished for, as long it is reasonable within the power of the spirit. Most can get their wishes granted.
However many people wish for things that they are not supposed to have based on their karma. Some even pray for success without any effort needed or put in like lottery or getting career instantly without showing result to supervisor or having a dream girl without even trying to approach her. How can god helps when even the owner are not helping themselves let alone the spirit. Worst still with many dealers who like to sugar coat barang amulets by photoshoot the lottery ticket or created false testimonials and certificates. Many of these dealers do not properly guide the new owners the katha for bondings, methods of praying and restrictions of the amulets. Neither do these dealers are promoting Buddhism, so if you are reading back to the first paragraph. Are you doing merits for the temples or for the spirits or for your personal benefits?
The spirits that're willing to follow the makers or creators can be of many reasons but at the end of the day, it is still gaining merits in order to pass on or to reduce their karma debts so when the time arrives, they will have to receive their judgement. They are abled to lessen their sins.
Most masters who are cultivated and trained in making barang amulets to fund their temple, practice their wicca and to hep the spirits. However due to the lack of basic education on do's and dont's on barang amulets. Nowadays, many people rent barang amulets for the wrong reasons, it is also wrong to be collected and put aside without being prayed or given merits to. One of the best example will be Nmp, most spirits suffer tragic death and the most vicious are those who are still pregnant, die on Saturday and buried on Tuesday. The power of the spirit are strong and fierce too. Masters who know wicca learned to guide the spirits and rent out to people in hope the spiritsand their owners can gain some merits.
However, many misused them like dabbing the oil on girl to have one night stand, causing families to break up, hurting others with gaining themselves, etc... Some masters are not skillful enough or cultivate enough with a kind heart. The spirit that oneed by the victim will attack the victim and causing serious problems to it's owner such as suddenly goes into depression, mental shock, hallucination and even suicide due to overwhelming stress from the spirit.
The spirit that given such order can either comply with the new owner or totally ignore the order. In some case, it worked well due to the owner's good intentions or based on the owner's merits. In most cases, it won't work as the spirits themselves know that it's wrong as they're once humans before. Taking advantages of females will create hatreds by the spirits. If the spirit is a benevolent one, the owner won't suffer anything but most of the times, spirits will teach the owners a lesson for not upholding the buddha's percept. This is a SIN under Lust.
How bad can the owner suffer? The damage extent to the owner varies in many situation. However there are cases of owner suffer perm health condition damage like stroke, heart attack. Some suffer depression for very long and have mental breakdown. By then, most people realise what mess they got into and trying to clear away all the barang amulets. This is prevent further attack by the spirit before they get to taste the worst.
Think for yourself why are you holding a barang amulet. Spirits do not work without merits are you one of those who are constantly creating merits like donations, volunteery works, cutting down on meats, mindful of own words to avoid saying bad about others and lastly to chant sutras to bless the spirits? Do you even try to chant namo tassa for the amulet daily? By the way if dealers or makers like to show off their clients win lottery then why are these dealers still renting out amulets to others? They themselves can keep on striking lottery no need to work. If so powerful so special and so limited as claimed, why are the masters still making amulets and dealers still trying to sell barang? Spirits are willing to help to gain merits but not toward people with intentions of greed and lust.
Lastly due to demand from China, Taiwan and many other countries, many grave robbers anyhow dig out remains of the body without permission. Whoever hold barang amulets that contain disturbed spirits will have to suffer for their wrongdoings.Thus it is very important to ensure the spirit that dwell inside is invited not forced. Are you confident in taking up barangs and impress the spirits to work for you to gain merits? Will you be getting barang amulets for the sake of upholding Buddhism? When Buddha was enlightened, the spirits that try to confuse him got salvation after being guide from Buddha himself.
Do not anyhow dispose any barang. Do not past it to someone to own it. One day if you intend to give up your barangs, tell them truthfully your reasons for disowning and send to temples or back to the makers.