There are people who like to keep or collect spiritual amulets and buchas but how much do know about them?
Spiritual amulets and buchas
Just ask yourselves these questions:
1) Are your keepings or collections were personally obtained from Ajahns, Lung Pors or Temples?
2) Do you know that amulets/buchas are not something/commodities for you to trade or exchange with money? (In other words, it's not for sale, rent or trade.)
3) Even you have the most expensive or best amulet/bucha, how effective is it?
4) If you really do possessed a best effective amulet/bucha then why you want to sell/rent it out?
5) Do you know the sensitive differences between spiritual and religious type of amulet/bucha?
6) Have you been deceived by your own believes by renting one that cost you losing your money?
7) Do your spiritual possessions help you in anyway?
In this materialistic world, many people don't even care or bother about Karma. Out of curiosity or their believes, they want to possess spiritual amulets/buchas especially KUMANTONG that can help them in whatever they ask for. In the end, they noticed it don't work and wanted to dispose them by putting up postings for sale or rent.
In the olden days, Khun Paen did used his own son's foetus and turned it into Kumantong with his Wicca power to overcome his enemies. That's where KUMANTONG became popular but nowadays, it's hardly such KUMANTONG available in this world otherwise this world will turn into a mess. Those effective kumans available nowadays, can only help to repel, protect, prevent, foretell, forewarn and provide good relationship, wealth and business growth.
Do you know that spiritual amulets/buchas provide invisible spiritual strength and not visible strength that layman can see? Only the creators Ajahns or Luang Pors can possess such powers of visible visions that they can see with their eyes. They also can feel them. In actual facts, Wicca Ajahns or Masters can make better and stronger spiritual amulets/buchas than Luang Pors. Many black robed Ajahns do possessed very strong spiritual weapons that can ' Fire and Protect '. It's mainly for their own usages.
In Buddhism point of view, it is not advisable for normal layman or people to own spiritual amulets/buchas. Spiritual items can be good and evil. If you don't have the power, wisdom and knowledge to control them, it can backfired then you are harming yourself.
For those who already owned spiritual amulets/buchas and thought it's safe, don't be too sure unless they are either not powerful enough or effective enough. They could be just empty vessels. Otherwise, many troubles or problems will continuously clinging onto you. If that happened there will be no ending to your troubles. Then you must seek helps.
There are too many unknowledgeable people posted many misleading messages and untruths in internet website amulets forums that will create troubles to the readers.
Lastly, Ajahn Singha Thong would like to advice those who have queries or needed helps should seek your guidances or helps from your "Enlightened Monks or Masters".