Some claimed that Sak Yant tattoos can really made you strong, immune to knives or parangs and bullets. In Chinese known as 刀枪不入. Take a close look at the picture, this Thai guy had body full of Sakyant and also full of xxx What happened to him ???
Sakyant tattoo and Yant design
There were many more incidents of this kind happening everyday. Recently, Sakyant Tattoos became very popular and also many claims had been made. I leave it to you to think for yourself and especially those who already got on their bodies. You should know yourself. There are many well known top monks don't have Sakyant Tattoos on any part of their bodies. Why ???
Again over here for you to think. You should know that all these Yant designs can be found on amulets, takruts, bucha, talisman and amulet clothes. All are religious items and how about humans? Do you think it will be beneficial to human body ? No answer for yes or no, good or bad and right or wrong. No offence or disrespect to the worshippers, devotees and buddhists.
To do up a Sakyant Tattoo is quite costly and also causing damages on our skin cells. Sakyant Tattoos have developed over the centuries under the influence of several different things The Yantra designs that already existed in Hindu India were adapted by the Thais as Buddhism arrived from neighboring India.
For hundreds of years, Thai and Khmer warriors where renowned and feared for the magical markings tattooed on their skin. These markings were a mix of Buddhist psalms and prayers, and shamanistic spells and sorcery that had survived the Religious transition from the pre-Buddhist, Hindu era and had been incorporated in the belief system of the newly born Buddhist countries. Since the days of King Nareswon, in the golden era of Ayuttaya,
Thai soldiers not only sought protection in the power of Sak Yant and also the wearing and praying of amulets. In World War 2, Korean and Vietnam war, Thai soldiers were nicknamed “Taharn Phee” (ghost soldiers) by the allied forces because of their Sak Yant tattoos and amulets. From history, we can see Sak Yant Tattoos were meant for warriors and soldiers only. During ancient war times, they needed Sak Yant Tattoos to protect them